Tour de Cure – Community Partner
As clients of BuildSafe Insurance Brokers, you allow us the opportunity to invest invest back into local communities and partner with great community organisations and charitable events. For the consecutive third year, we are supporting Lindsay and the Peter MacCallum Foundation as he rides 375kms across Tasmania. Lindsay was going to embark on his journey, but before he did he shared his thoughts with us.
Lindsay will be riding with his Tour de Cure team in Tasmania and riding over 375kms from Devonport to Launceston.
On the way, he will be visiting 4 schools and educating 1,700 children with his ‘Be Fit; Be Healthy; Be Happy’ cancer awareness and prevention message.
“I am very passionate about raising awareness. My mission is to cure cancer and ensure a cancer free future for the next generation. I am riding in memory of my son Jayden, for loved ones lost and to celebrate cancer survivors”.
“For the riders and crew embarking on the tour, it will be a life changing experience”.
“We will be challenged physically and emotionally. We will meet many amazing people striving for a common goal and be rewarded with the knowledge that the team have contributed to new research projects in the quest to find a cure”.
“The tour would not possible without our fantastic supporters”.
“Thank you to Phil Graf from BuildSafe Insurance Brokers and their clients who have been wonderful partners for the last 3 years. Without your ongoing support this would not be possible”.
Together we will make a huge impact on families fighting cancer”.
On Behalf of BuildSafe Insurance Brokers and all of clients we would like to wish Lindsay luck as he rides across Tasmania to support the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation! Good Luck Lindsay!
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